Shikharesh Majumdar, "Application of Relational Arithmetic in Performance Analysis of Computing Systems", In: Workshop on Interval Constraints (International Logic Programming Symposium ILPS'95), Portland, OR, December 1995.
This paper presents a survey of the existing work in the area of interval arithmetic-based performance analysis of computing systems.
Intervals in performance analysis are required when uncertainties or variabilities exist in the workload parameters for an analytical performance model of the system. Intervals are also useful for computing upper and lower bounds on system performance.
Most conventional analytic models accept a set of single valued parameters and produce a single valued model output. Adaptation of these existing models to handle interval parameters require new techniques that use an interval arithmetic engine.
Experiences with relational interval arithmetic provided by a constraint logic programming languages in solving a number of performance analysis problems are described.
Previous publications on the applications of interval analysis to performance evaluation of computing systems include:
S. Majumdar and R. Ramadoss, "Interval-Based Performance Analysis of Computing Systems, Proc. Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, January 1995, pp. 345-351.
S. Majumdar, C. M. Woodside, J. E. Neilson, and D. C. Petriu, "Robust Box Bounds: Network Performance Guarantees for Closed Multiclass Queuing Networks with Minimal Stochastic Assumptions", Proc. of Infocom '92 Conference Florence (Italy), May 1992, pp. 2006-2016.
S. Majumdar, C. M. Woodside, J. E. Neilson, and D. C. Petriu, "Performance Bounds for Concurrent Software with Rendezvous", Performance Evaluation, Vol. 13, No. 4, 1991, pp. 207-236.
S. Majumdar, "Interval Arithmetic for Performance Analysis of Distributed Computing Systems", Proc. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Quebec City (Canada), September 1991, pp. 32.3.1-32.3.4.
R. Ramadoss, Interval-based performance analysis of computing systems, M.Eng. Thesis, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 1994.
C. M. Woodside, S. Majumdar, J. E. Neilson, "Interval Arithmetic for Computing Performance Guarantees in Client-Server Systems", In: F. Dehne, F. Fiala, W. W. Koczkodaz (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Advances in Computing and Information - ICCI'91 Springer-Verlag, 1991, pp. 535-546.
Shikharesh Majumdar.