I. Perez de Guzman and C. Rossi, "LNint: A temporal logic that combines points and intervals and the absolute and relative approaches", Journal of the IGPL (Interest Group on Propositional and Predicate Logic), 1995, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 745--764.
In knowledge representation, currently, there exist two main approaches to representing temporal relations between events: the approach that uses moments of time, and the approach that uses time intervals. In real life, we encounter both instantaneous events (that correspond to moments of time) and non-instantaneous ones (that correspond to intervals). Therefore, the ideal knowledge representation language should describe both moments and intervals. It is, of course, possible to describe moments of time in interval-based formalisms as degenerate intervals and, correspondingly, intervals as pairs of moments. However, this artificial representation leads to unnecessary computations: e.g., when we represent each moment of time $t$ as a degenerate interval $[t,t]$, then every operation with moments of time requires two (identical) operations with interval bounds.
In this paper, a new formalism is described that combines points and intervals and that has a good computational behavior.