First Semester Calculus
Instructor: R.
Baker Kearfott, Department
Mathematics, University of
Louisiana at Lafayette
Office hours and
telephone, Email:
This page may change throughout the semester.
Click on the information you want:
- Time and place:
12:00-12:50 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, in Maxim D. Doucet
Room 307.
- Time for the final exam:
Friday, May 5, 2:00PM--4:30PM in MDD 307
- Text: Calculus Early Transcendentals, 11th edition, by
Anton, Bivens, and Davis, Wiley, 2015. Please inform
immediately if you have any trouble obtaining the text. A copy of
the online text and other resources is also available without charge to
those who have bought new copies of the text, through Wiley Plus, and
for a fee to others. To access the online text, tutorials, and
other resources, see the information on Moodle. I will be
assigning problems from Wiley Plus, and counting them in the grade.
- Syllabus
- Required
work and grading policy
- Internet
- Exam
and answers to previous exams from this section
- Exam
hints and answers to previous exams from Fall, 2005