Math. 302-02, Spring, 2003 Hints for the Exams

Instructor: R. Baker Kearfott, Department of Mathematics, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Office hours and telephone, Email:

This page will change throughout the semester.

/ The First Exam / The Second Exam / The Third Exam / The Fourth Exam / The Fifth Exam / The Final Exam /

Note:  Previously given exams are available below in Postscript format, that can be printed with a Postscript printer.  The files can also be viewed and printed with Ghostscript and GSview. I have also provided Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copies.

The First Exam:
Postscript copy of the first exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the first exam
Answers, page 1
Answers, page 2

The Second Exam:
Suggestion: Work the exams from previous years that are posted at  In any case, be prepared to do the following:

Postscript copy of the second exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the second exam
Answers, page 1
Answers, page 2
Answers, page 3

The Third Exam:
Postscript copy of the third exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the third exam
Answers, page 1
Answers, page 2

The Fourth Exam
Postscript copy of the fourth exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the fourth exam
Answers, page 1
Answers, page 2
Answers, page 3

The Fifth Exam
The fifth exam will be on Thursday, April 17.  In addition to studying problems on the previous exams, examples given in class, and all of the homework on the syllabus, you should also pay careful attention to the general problems concerning changes of variables in double integrals.
Postscript copy of the fifth exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the fifth exam
Answers, page 1
Answers, page 2
Answers, page 3
Answers, page 4

The Final Exam
The final exam will be on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 7:30AM. In addition to studying the previous exams from this course and the exams and final exams from previously taught sections that I have taught, know the following:

Postscript copy of the final exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the final exam
Answers, page 1
Answers, page 2
Answers, page 3
Answers, page 4