Mathematical Modelling
This page may change throughout the semester.
Web-based resources:
Our previous texts:
Boyce and DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value
Problems, Seventh Edition (our Math. 350 text).
Look at 3.8, p. 186 ff, ff.: We will carefully review the derivation of
the vibrating spring, and also look at the derivation of of pendulum motion
from several points of view.
9.4-9.5 (competing species).
9.8: The Lorenz equations: We will also look at additional literature seeing
how these equations were derived.
Appendix A, p. 614 (derivation of the heat conduction equation)
McKallum, Hughes-Hallet, and Gleason, Multivariate Calculus, Third Edition
(our Math. 302 text): There are various simple models here.
Additional texts:
Hentley and James, Mathematical Modelling: A Source Book of Case Studies,
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1990: This is a source of possible projects.
Some references for computer languages, etc.: