Above right: one of the Kluwer Academic Publishers issues (click for a
larger image)
Information and Instructions
for Authors
Reliable Computing accepts
manuscripts representing original articles, reviews, presentations of
new hardware and software tools, book reviews, information on scientific
meetings on relevant topics which are scheduled or have recently been
held, etc.
Authors should preface the title EasyChair requests with
"Research Article:" or "Review / Tutorial:", or the abbreviation of
the conference, if it is to be a part of a conference proceedings.
This is because different criteria are used for refereeing different
types of articles, and, starting with Volume 18, the article type is
identified for each published article. Each contribution is
single-blind refereed by at least two referees, assigned by the managing
editor or one of the other editors. Manuscripts should initially
be submitted in
through the
EasyChair setup
for Reliable Computing.
(Note that, to submit a paper, you will need to create an account
for yourself. This is straightforward; simply follow the
Computing is free of charge for both authors and
readers. We rely on our editors' and reviewers' volunteer
efforts, and we give some responsibility to authors for submitting
final versions of manuscripts in a suitable LaTeX format.
Accepted papers should be submitted in
with references prepared using
with the
plain bibliography
style, using the
Reliable Computing LaTeX
template and
bibliography. (
here for a PDF of the output generated from the LaTeX template,
here for the encapsulated Postscript file for the example figure.)
Note: Although the example uses encapsulated Postscript for figures, use
of PDF for figures and PDFLaTeX is also acceptable, as are the
hyperref and epstopdf packages; color figures are also acceptable,
provided they are of good quality and can be included with either LaTeX
or PDFLaTeX. Use of the file
intmacros.sty is strongly encouraged; please contact
me (the managing editor) if you
encounter incompatibilities between intmacros.sty and other packages you
use. The notation implemented in
intmacros.sty is explained in
Standardized Notation in Interval
Computational Technologies 15 (1), pp. 7-13 (2010).
If an author is unable to submit a final copy in the
LaTeX form described in
the preceding paragraph, then the author is responsible for submitting
"camera-ready" copy, in the format of the journal, in PDF; in such
instances, additional correspondence with the Managing Editor may be
Copyright Policy
The authors retain the copyrights in the early issues (from 1991 through
1995). Springer Verlag retains the copyright for articles in the
issues from 1996 through 2007. The authors retain the copyright
for articles that have been accepted and posted electronically since
2007. However, authors implicitly give permission to post their
articles on this open web site through the act of submitting their
article for review to this journal.
Editorial Board
History of the Journal
Reliable Computing, then known
as the journal
Interval Computations,
began in 1991
with Vyacheslav (Slava) M. Nesterov (Leningrad / St. Petersburg)
and Alexander (Sasha) G. Yakovlev (Moscow). Articles were
published both in Russian and English. At that time, Ralph Baker
Kearfott was "representative for the Western Hemisphere," while Jürgen
Wolff von Gudenberg was representative for Europe. Slava, Editor
in Chief, acted directly as clearinghouse between authors and referees,
had the final word on acceptance or rejection, organized the accepted
material into issues, etc. Sasha, also involved in the aforementioned
process, was involved in the actual printing, which was done in Russia.
Jürgen and I (Baker) collected money for subscriptions, received paper
issues from Russia, and sent subscriptions, as well as orders for
back-issues, to subscribers, and remitted money to Russia. The
latter was particularly interesting during the early 1990's when
Russian (and corresponding international) banking practices were in
flux: At one point, I personally carried several thousand dollars
(worth more at the time) to Russia in a money belt.
In the mid 1990's, we decided that business and paper printing
operations would best be done by professionals, and Slava negotiated an
agreement with Kluwer Academic Publishers. Slava and Sasha
retained control of the editorial and composition features, as well as
the right to continue to collect page charges to reimburse workers for
these activities. The overall quality, both of content and appearance,
continued to improve, although the number of paying subscriptions was
initially halved due to a doubling of the subscription price.
Several years into this scheme, our Kluwer contact classified the
journal as "one of the more successful 'new' journals."
Eventually, Springer Verlag bought Kluwer academic publishers, and
the journal continued. However, although the Editorial Board
continued to receive free subscriptions, and various institutions and
individuals in Russia received subscriptions at greatly reduced rates,
subscription prices were again raised, and the number of subscriptions
dwindled. This was despite a continued increase in the quality of
the content. Eventually, it was decided at Springer Verlag to
terminate publication after the 2007 volume. Despite this,
significant demand has remained for the journal from both authors and
readers. (
to see the final statistics for this phase of the journal from SCOPUS.)
With Springer Verlag's termination of publication, publication rights
reverted to the original editorial board, and I (Baker) agreed to assume
the responsibilities of managing editor. We initially explored
various publication possibilities, including one, initiated by Slava,
that seemed very promising. However, we did not have a budget, and
our publication partner had many other duties that precluded him from
setting up the publication process for our journal as had initially been
planned. Finally, we settled on the open, free electronic format
for accepted papers, with a web presence maintained by ourselves.
Furthermore, we thank
Voronkov for developing and making available
the system we now use for manuscript tracking. During the interim
(2008 to mid-2010), I received and organized review of manuscripts
manually. I wish to commend both authors and referees of the
papers that were published during this time. The highest standards
for content and exposition have been upheld in the papers that have been
accepted. The plans are to continue this tradition of quality.