CRA's mission is to strengthen research and education in the computing fields, expand opportunities for women and minorities, and improve public and policymaker understanding of the importance of computing and computing research in our society.
Interval computations is one of A. Bernat's research interests. He served on the editorial board of the international journal "Interval Computations" (later renamed "Reliable Computing"), and published several papers in this journal and in proceedings of interval conferences. His journal papers include:
CRA Board Chair James Foley describes Andy as "the perfect fit for CRA: he has experience with research, with CS departmental issues, with government research agencies, with fund-raising, with Congress and Congressional testimony, and in working with a board. The CRA board of directors looks forward to working with Andy and the entire computing research community to continue moving CRA forward. At the same time, we wish Bill Aspray all the best in his new professorial role. Bill has made impressive contributions to CRA during his six years, and I know he will be a strong contributor to the Informatics program at Indiana."
Bernat brings to the job a wide range of experience and accomplishments. He was a founding member of the Computer Science Department at at the University of Texas El Paso, and as chair built the department into one of the country's strongest computer science departments at a minority-serving institution. He headed the National Science Foundation-funded Model Institutions for Excellence program, which created dramatic improvements in student retention and achievement across the UTEP campus. He has co-chaired the Coalition to Diversify Computing, an organization sponsored by ACM, CRA, and the IEEE Computer Society, to increase the participation of underrepresented minorities in the computer profession. For his many contributions in advancing underrepresented groups in the computing field, CRA awarded Bernat the A. Nico Habermann Award in 1997.
Pursuing his strong interest in academic reform and development for the computing field, Bernat is currently completing his second year as a program officer in the Division of Undergraduate Education at the National Science Foundation while on leave from UTEP. He is responsible for the computer science undergraduate education programs at NSF and also directs the Scholarship for Service Program in information assurance and security, which is a component of the federal CyberCorps program. He has been active for many years as an author, lecturer, reviewer, and panelist for government and professional organizations including the US Army, NASA, NSF, and the Computer Science Accreditation Board. He has organized a series of workshops between U.S. and Mexican computer science researchers. Bernat received a B.S. in physics from Harvey Mudd College in 1970 and a doctorate in astronomy from the University of Texas at Austin in 1976.
William Aspray, the outgoing executive director of CRA, said of Bernat: "I am delighted with Andy's selection as my successor. He has the energy, enthusiasm, contacts, drive, analytical skills, and experience to work with the CRA board to carry the organization to a new level of accomplishment and to make the good works of CRA much more widely known."
Reflecting on his new job, Bernat commented, "What a truly great opportunity - to join the people and organization working to enhance and promote the computing research field, the basis for our modern society and economy. And what a great time to join - Bill Aspray has taken the association to a new level of status and achievement, giving us a springboard to further success."
CRA appreciates the work of the search committee: Mary Jane Irwin (Penn State), David Patterson (UC Berkeley), and William Wulf (National Academy of Engineering and University of Virginia).
For further information, contact Jean Smith, Senior Communications Associate, Computing Research Association, 1100 Seventeenth Street NW, Suite 507, Washington, DC 20036, (202) 234 2111, .
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