
 organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (dept. of
 Biomathematics and dept. of Operational Research) at
 the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, as part of the
 Fifth International Conference on 

     Numerical Methods and Applications - NMA'02 

      August 20 - 24, 2002, Borovets, BULGARIA 

 More information about NMA'02 can be found at 

 The aim of the Minisymposium CONTROL AND UNCERTAIN SYSTEMS
 is to bring together  mathematicians,  specialists in control theory 
 and computer sciences, as well as specialists in applications
 in natural and social sciences, and engineering. The program encourages
 wide range of discussions by all participants on basic problems and
 future directions. The accepted papers will be published in a 
 prestigious international book series.

 The range of topics to be discussed in the minisymposium
 includes amongst others:

- Numerical methods for control problems
  (optimal control, stability, controllability, viability, sensitivity, etc.);

- Numerically oriented approaches for problems with uncertainties
  (differential inclusions, problems with incomplete/inexact information,      
  differential games);

- Theory, algorithms and arithmetics for validated numerics;

- Applications in biology, biotechnology, ecology, medicine, economics,  
  engineering, social sciences etc.

- Hardware and software support for numerical methods in the above areas;

 The deadline for submission of  abstracts and registration forms for
 the minisymposium is 30.03.2002. If you would like to present a paper for 
  publication in the proceedings, please submit it by the same date.

 Detailed information about the registration and the submission of
 abstracts and papers, as well as for the registration and  accommodation 
 costs, can be found at the above WEB address.

    V. Veliov 
    M. Krastanov   
    S. Markov 

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