Optimal Approximation of Quadratic Interval Functions

This WWW page requires a Java-capable browser (e.g., Netscape Navigator 2.0 or higher, Microsoft Internet Explorer, etc.). If you do not have a Java-capable browser, then you can still read about the algorithm. To test out the algorithm, just enter the coefficients of the upper and lower quadratic functions and click on the Graph button. You may then click on specific points on the graph to get more information about those points.
View Source Code

Adding this Java Program to Other World Wide Web Pages

To add this Java program to your World Wide Web page, add the following lines at the desired location:
<APPLET code="IntApprox.class" width=500 height=400></APPLET>
<TR><TD><CENTER><A HREF="IntApprox.java">View Source Code</A></CENTER>

Modifying the Java Program's Default Behavior

The following is a list of parameters that can be modified by inserting
<PARAM NAME=name VALUE="value">
between the <APPLET> and </APPLET> tags:
namevalue typedescription
lower_c1floating-point valueThe coefficient of the lower function y-(x) at x*x
lower_c2floating-point valueThe coefficient of the lower function y-(x) at x
lower_c3floating-point valueThe coefficient of the lower function y-(x) at 1
upper_c1floating-point valueThe coefficient of the upper function y+(x) at x*x
upper_c2floating-point valueThe coefficient of the upper function y+(x) at x
upper_c3floating-point valueThe coefficient of the upper function y+(x) at 1
left_xfloating-point valueThe left-most X coordinate to be displayed
right_xfloating-point valueThe right-most X coordinate to be displayed
color_uprRGB color value of the form #rrggbb where rr, gg, bb are the red, green, and blue color components in hexadecimalThe color of the upper quadratic function
color_lwrRGB color valueThe color of the lower quadratic function
color_uprapproxRGB color valueThe color of the upper approximator function
color_lwrapproxRGB color valueThe color of the lower approximator function
color_otherRGB color valueThe color of parts of the graph not representing a function, such as the axes
bgcolorRGB color valueThe background color of the drawing area
canvas_widthintegerThe width of the drawing canvas on which the functions will be drawn
canvas_heightintegerThe height of the drawing canvas on which the functions will be drawn
show_quadflagIf set, specifies that the quadratic functions should be shown on startup
show_approxflagIf set, specifies that the approximator functions should be shown on startup"}};

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