name | value type | description
lower_c1 | floating-point value | The coefficient of the
lower function y-(x) at x*x
lower_c2 | floating-point value | The coefficient of the
lower function y-(x) at x
lower_c3 | floating-point value | The coefficient of the
lower function y-(x) at 1
upper_c1 | floating-point value | The coefficient of the
upper function y+(x) at x*x
upper_c2 | floating-point value | The coefficient of the
upper function y+(x) at x
upper_c3 | floating-point value | The coefficient of the
upper function y+(x) at 1
left_x | floating-point value | The left-most X coordinate
to be displayed
right_x | floating-point value | The right-most X coordinate
to be displayed
color_upr | RGB color value of the form #rrggbb where rr, gg,
bb are the red, green, and blue color components in hexadecimal | The
color of the upper quadratic function
color_lwr | RGB color value | The color of the lower
quadratic function
color_uprapprox | RGB color value | The color of the upper
approximator function
color_lwrapprox | RGB color value | The color of the lower
approximator function
color_other | RGB color value | The color of parts of the
graph not representing a function, such as the axes
bgcolor | RGB color value | The background color of the drawing area
canvas_width | integer | The width of the drawing canvas on
which the functions will be drawn
canvas_height | integer | The height of the drawing canvas
on which the functions will be drawn
show_quad | flag | If set, specifies that the quadratic
functions should be shown on startup
show_approx | flag | If set, specifies that the approximator
functions should be shown on startup"}};