JAF13, PROGRAM AND CALL TO PARTICIPATION International Conference 13th DAYS ON WEAK ARITHMETICS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- supported by Ministe`re de l'E'ducation Nationale, de l'Enseignement et de la Recherche Ministe`re des Affaires Etrange`res Conseil Ge'ne'ral de la Moselle Ville de Metz Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Metz Universite' de Metz Laboratoire d'Informatique The'orique et de Programmation (CNRS - Paris VII) Laboratoire de Recherches en Informatique de Metz ----------------------------------------------------------------------- METZ 1996, I.U.T. de Metz, I^le du Saulcy DECEMBER 12 and 13 Languages: English, French TOPICS: provability in weak arithmetics weak arithmetics and model theory weak arithmetics and decidability/undecidability of logical theories weak arithmetics and computational modelizings PERMANENT JAF COMMITTEE: Patrick CEGIELSKI, University Paris 12, Fontainebleau IUT Jean-Pierre RESSAYRE, CNRS, Jussieu Denis RICHARD, University of Auvergne, Clermont IUT, LLAIC1 PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Ve'ronique BRUYE`RE, University of Mons Serge GRIGORIEFF, University Paris 7, LITP Maurice MARGENSTERN, University of Metz, Metz IUT, LRIM, LITP Chair, organizer Lioudmila PAVLOTSKAYA, MPEI, Moscou Jean-Pierre RESSAYRE, CNRS, Jussieu ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Maurice MARGENSTERN, University of Metz, Metz IUT, LRIM, LITP, Chair Zsuzsanna ROKA, Guillaume WATIER, University of Metz, Metz IUT, LRIM CONFERENCE WORKING: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, FROM 2 P.M. UNTIL 6 P.M.: Reception of participants 6h30 P.M., OFFICIAL RECEPTION OF SPEAKERS AND PARTICIPANTS TO JAF13 AT METZ TOWNHALL GIVEN BY METZ MUNICIPALITY THURSDAY DECEMBER 12: FRIDAY DECEMBER 13: 9h Speech by Mr. JJ Schaal, 9h Director of Metz IUT Maurice Boffa (Universite' de 9h15 Intervention Mons-Hainaut) de M Margenstern "L'argument de parite' dans PA, ZF et NF" 9h30 10h Richard Kaye (University of Heinz-Otto Peitgen (Universita"t Birmingham) Bremen, CeVis Centre) "Hilbert's 10th problem for "From Pascal to von Neumann weak systems of arithmetic" and back" 10h30 11h Milos Ercegovac (University coffee break of Los Angeles) "Redundant representations of 11h15 real numbers and their effect Fritz von Haeseler (Universita"t on arithmetic algorithms" Bremen) 11h30 "Automaticity of linear cellular coffee break automata" 11h45 11h45 Gencho Skordev (Bremen) Jean-Michel Muller (CNRS, ENS "Linear cellular automata, de Lyon) self-similarity and automaticity" titre non pre'cise' 12h15 12h15 lunch lunch 14h 14h Sergei Adian (Insitut Steklov, Jean-Pierre Ressayre (CNRS, Centre Moscou) de Jussieu, Paris) "On decision problems for "Les expansions o-minimales single relation monoid des re'els: des "Analyses presentations" Faibles"" 15h 15h Ge'raud Se'nizergues (Universite' Jean-E'ric Pin (CNRS, LITP, Paris) de Bordeaux, LaBRI) "Pouvoir expressif des formules titre non pre'cise' existentielles de la logique du successeur" 15h30 15h30 Guillaume Watier (Universit'e de coffee break Metz, IUT de Metz, LRIM) titre non pre'cise' 15h45 16h00 Youri Mattyassevich (Institut coffee break Stekolv, Saint-Petersburg) 16h15 "Some arithmetical reformulations Patrick Cegielski (Universite' de of the Four Colour Conjecture" Paris 12, IUT de Fontainebleau) 16h45 "analyse quasi-re'cursive" Jean-Sylvestre Gakwaya (Universite' de Mons-Hainaut) 17h15 "La Hierarchie de Grzegorczyk et Adam Cichon (Universite' son extension dans le mode`le BSS" d'Auvergne, LLAIC1) 17h15 "Caracte'risation syntaxique Serge Grigorieff (Universite' de de la hie'rarchie de Gzregorczyk" Paris 7, LITP) 17h45 titre non pre'cise' end of afternoon secund session 17h45 annoucement by Youri Mattyassevitch of JAF14 to be held at St-Petersburg 20h Diner. ABSTRACTS OF LECTURES AND TALKS Abstracts of the speakers talks is available at will be available atJAF13 website,
where other useful information is also to be found. We are also planning to place the same information at the followingJAF13 mirror site.
INSCRIPTION FEES: For attending the conference, send your registration to our secretary or send it using the form, below, using FAX or e-mail. Registration fees amounts to 300FF for all participants. Fees must be paid to the conference organization before December 5 1996. Fees also include three meals: Thursday lunch and diner, Friday lunch (no return for possibly non taken meals). Thursday diner will take place in a restaurant of Metz center. WARNING: way of paying: By cheque, at the order of "Agent Comptable de l'Universite' de Metz", sent to the surface mail, below, one month before the opening of the conference if sent from abroad. You may also wish to pay by direct transfer on the following account: Agent Comptable de l'Universite' de Metz, Compte Postal Starsbourg 5 506 41 H: banque guichet nume'ro compte cle' 20041 01015 0550641H036 16 REGISTRATION FORM: Family name : ................................................. First name : ................................................. Affiliation : ................................................. Address : ................................................. Country : ................................................. e-mail : ................................................. FAX : ................................................. Phone : ................................................. Arrival : ................................................. Departure : ................................................. Participation at the reception given at Metz TownHall: YES NO (erase the other answer) If you need lodging in hotel, please, keep in mind that RECEPTION will take place in the afternoon of Wednesday December 11 1996. Please, do not forget that the City of Metz is waiting for you at the reception it gives in honour of JAF13. ACCOMODATION Starting from November, 1st, 1996, the organizing committee will send, on request, a list of hotels not too far from the place of the conference. IF YOU ARRIVE SOON ENOUGH, OR BEFORE LEAVING Take this opportunity to have a look at Metz: the town center is very pleasant. The look on the bridges and islands between the Cathedral and the Prefecture, especially the river bank are very picturesque. The gothic cathedral is worth a look, especially four strikingly beautiful sets of Chagall's windows. FOR YOUR MAIL: surface mail: Maurice MARGENSTERN 13emes Journe'es sur les Arithme'tiques Faibles, I.U.T. de Metz, De'partement d'informatique, I^le du Saulcy, F - 57045 METZ CEDEX 1 e-mail:jaf13@iut.univ-metz.fr
FAX: 33 3 87 31 54 96 from abroad 03 87 31 54 96 from France
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