Interval Methods in Expert Systems: Special Session

The 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Theory & Technology (March 1-5, 1997, Sheraton Imperial Hotel & Convention Center, Research Triangle Park, NC Durham, U.S.A.), plans to organize two special sessions on FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES OF FUZZY LOGIC. One of these two sections is organized and chaired by Burhan Turksen, one of the pioneers in using INTERVAL METHODS in expert systems and knowledge representation.

There is a considerable interest in this very important topic, and because of this interest, the organizing committee decided to extend the deadline until December 6.

Please send copies of your papers to Professor Turksen at

I. Burhan Turksen
Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A4 Canada

and additional two copies either to the Chair of the conference

Paul P. Wang
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Box 90291
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0291
Tel. (919)660-5271, 660-5259
Fax: (919)660-5293, 684-4860

or to the conference's General Coordinator

Xiliang Gu
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Box 90291
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0291
Tel. (919)660-5233
Fax: (919)660-5293, 684-4860

The tentative new deadline is December 6. However, if you are not yet ready to submit your papers by this deadline, but you plan to submit your papers in the future, please check with Dr. Turksen as soon as possible whether the date by which you want to submit is still OK with him.

Selected papers from these two sessions will be published as a a special issue of the INFORMATION SCIENCES Journal in 1997.

The Fuzzy Theorey and Technology Conference is a part of the Joint Conference on Information Sciences (JCIS'97).

An abstract shall not exceed 4 pages of 10-point font, double-column, single-spaced text, (1 page minimum) with figures and tables included. Any abstract exceeding 4 pages will be charged $50 per additional page. Three copies of the summary are required by Dec. 6, 1996.

A deposit of $150 check must be included to guarantee the publication of your 4 pages summary in the Proceedings. The absolute deadline for the deposit is Jan. 15, 1997. For multiple papers author, the following deposit schedule will be observed: one paper, $150; two papers, $200; three papers, $250; etc., with $50 increment thereafter. The $150 deposit (one paper) can be deducted from registration fee later. There is no deduction for student registration. It is very important to mark FT & T'97 on your manuscript.


				Up to 1/1/97		After 1/1/97
Full Registration		$320.00			$440.00
Student Registration		$120.00			$180.00
Tutorial(per Mini-Course)	$120.00			$160.00
Exhibit Boot Fee		$300.00			$400.00
One Day Fee(no pre-reg. discount)	$195.00
 					$ 95.00  (Student)
Above fees applicable to all three conferences & three workshops

FULL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: Includes admission to all sessions, exhibit 
area, coffee, tea and soda. A copy of conference proceedings (summary) at
conference. In addition, the right to purchase the hard-cover deluxe books 
at 1/2 price, and the proceedings of companion conferences, workshops of 
JCIS'97, also, at half price.  Award Banquet on March 3, 1997 and lunches on 
March 2, 3 & 4 are also included through Full Registration. One day 
registration does not include banquet, but it does include one lunch on the 
day registered. Tutorials are not included.

STUDENT CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: ( For full-time students only. A letter from 
your department is required. You must present a current student ID with 
picture.) Includes a  copy of conference proceedings (summary), admission to 
all sessions, exhibit area, coffee, tea and soda, the right to purchase the 
hard-cover deluxe books at 1/2 price, and companion proceedings at 1/2 price. 
Single student author must pay $150 in addition.

TUTORIALS REGISTRATION: Any person can register for the Tutorials. A copy of 
lecture notes for the course registered is included. Coffee, tea and soda are 
included. The right to purchase the hard-cover deluxe books and all companion
JCIS'97 proceedings are included.


The Travel Center of Durham, Inc. has been designated the official travel 
provider. Special domestic fares have been arranged and The Travel Center is 
prepared to book all flight travel. 
Domestic United States and Canada: 1-800-334-1085
International FAX:                 919-687-0903


	   Sheraton Imperial Hotel & Convention Center
           P. O. Box 13099
           Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
           Phone: 919-941-5050
	   Fax:   919-941-5156

Beautiful Sheraton Imperial Hotel & Convention Center will be the conference
site and lodging. The negotiated guest room rate would be $80.00 single 
occupancy and $90.00 double occupancy (1996 rate). Sheraton guarantees the
rate for 1997 will not exceed a 5% increase. Conference management will update
the accurate rate in the future. This negotiated rate represents a substantial
 discount fot JCIS'97. This excellent facilities feature Imperial Athletic 
Club, Indoor & outdoor pools, International collection of restaurants, and 
quality services.


			[ ] I wish to receive further information.
			[ ] I intend to participate in the conference.
			[ ] I intend to present my paper to regular session.
			[ ] I intend to register in tutorial(s).

Name: Dr./Mr./Mrs. _________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________

Country: ___________________________________________________________

Phone:________________ Fax: _______________ E-mail: ________________

Affiliation(for Badge): ____________________________________________

Participation Plan:   [ ]A		[ ]B		[ ]C

				Up to 1/1/97		After 1/1/97
Full Registration		[ ]$320.00		[ ]$440.00
Student Registration		[ ]$120.00		[ ]$180.00
Tutorial(per Mini-Course)	[ ]$120.00		[ ]$160.00
Exhibit Booth Fee		[ ]$300.00		[ ]$400.00
One Day Fee(no pre-reg. discount)	[ ]$195.00
 					[ ]$ 95.00 (Student)

Total Enclosed(U.S. Dollars): ________________

All foreign payments must be made by draft on a US Bank in US dollars. 
Personal checks are accepted for US attendees only. Credit cards (Visa or 
Master) are accepted for all conference attendees. 

		[ ]  VISA  or  [ ] MASTER     Exp. Date ____________

		Credit Card # ______________________________________

		$  Please make check payable and mail to: $
		$        FT & T				  $
		$        c/o. Paul P. Wang		  $
		$	 Dept. of Electrical Engineering  &
	        $        P. O. BOX 90291                  $
		$	 Duke University		  $
		$	 Durham, NC 27708		  $
		$	 U. S. A.			  $


(1) Deadline for summaries submission: December 6, 1996.
(2) Proposal for organized sessions: any time up to December 20, 1996.
(3) Paper acceptance or rejection: Jannuary 1, 1997.
(4) Program (Electronic Version): January 1, 1997.
(5) Absolute deadline for deposit: January 15, 1997.
(6) Official program available: Febuary 1, 1997.
(5) Deadline for full length paper: March 4, 1997.

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