The R. E. Moore Prize for Applications of Interval Analysis: Description and Rationale

By the late 1950's, with exponentially increasing use of digital electronic computers for mathematical computations, interval arithmetic was a concept whose time had come. With his 1962 dissertation "Interval Arithmetic and Automatic Error Analysis in Digital Computing," encouraged by George Forsythe, Prof. Ramon Moore was one of the first to develop the underlying principles of interval arithmetic in their modern form. Prof. Moore subsequently dedicated much of his life to furthering the subject. This includes guidance of seven Ph.D. students, interaction with other prominent figures in the area such as Eldon Hansen, Louis Rall, and Bill Walster, and publication of the seminal work "Interval Analysis" (Prentice Hall, 1966) and its update "Methods and Applications of Interval Analysis" (SIAM, 1979). In addition, Prof. Moore published a related book "Computational Functional Analysis" (Horwood, 1985), and organized the conference with proceedings Reliability in Computing (Academic Press, 1988). This latter conference was a major catalyst for renewed interest in the subject. It is safe to say that these accomplishments of Professor Moore have made interval analysis what it is today. To continue and further this tradition, in 2002, we decided to dedicate to Prof. Moore a biennial prize for the best dissertation, paper, or book in applications of interval analysis; see this page and the Wikipedia page for the list of recipients of the Moore prize.

Note: By "applications" we intend primarily applications in engineering and the sciences that will bring further recognition to the power of interval computations. However, we do not wish to rule out significant and widely recognized "pure" applications. The editorial board of the journal "Reliable Computing" judges this.

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