Theoretical Computer Science
Special issue on
Real Numbers and Computers

GUEST EDITORS: Marc Daumas and Nathalie Revol


Efficient manipulation of real numbers in computers is still a challenge. Many interesting theoretical and algorithmic problems are linked with that topic and belong to quite distant fields such as computer science, number theory, numerical analysis, computer algebra and logics. A number of TCS special issues on real numbers and computers has previously appeared (162 (1), 210(1), 279 (1-2) and 291 (2)), as follow-up to the RNC meetings on these topics. The last meeting was RNC5 which took place in Lyon in September 2004.

Scientists working on questions related to real computer arithmetic are encouraged to present the theoretical or algorithmic aspects of their results, even if they did not attend the RNC5 conference. Survey and tutorial articles may be suitable if clearly identified as such. Topics include (but are not restricted to) the following list:

The submission should contain a scholarly exposition of ideas, techniques, and results, including motivation and a clear comparison with related work. More details may be given in an appendix. Authors may submit additional background reference material that is not widely available. Submissions must not substantially duplicate work published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Prepare a PostScript or PDF version of your full 10-20 pages paper preferably using Elsevier latex style.

The file should be uploaded to the special issue Internet site before January 5th. The site will be open on December 1st.

Make sure that your PostScript or PDF file can be printed on a standard laser printer. Another possible check is to view it by Ghostscript.

Language: English.

Nathalie REVOL
INRIA Rhone Alpes
LIP - Projet Arenaire
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
69364 Lyon Cedex 07
tel: (33) 4-72-72-85-00
Fax: (33) 4-72-72-80-80

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