Interval Methods for Guaranteed Parameter and State Estimation
a special session at the 
6th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design
July 5 - 7, 2006, Toulouse, France 

Josep VEHI


State or parameter estimation problems are usually solved by probabilistic
methods, which are relevant only when an explicit characterization of the
disturbances and measurement noise is available. This, however, is not
always the case in practice, and it is often more natural to assume that all
perturbations, not only measurement and modelling errors but also model
uncertainty, belong to a known set.
In this case, guaranteed estimation, also known as bounded-error estimation,
allows the characterization of the whole set of state or parameter vectors
that are compatible with the measured data, a model structure and some prior
error bounds.

The purpose of the invited session is to show that interval analysis makes
it possible to obtain such guaranteed results. 
Indeed, interval analysis has been used since more than a decade now, in
both applied mathematics and engineering. On the one hand, it is a reliable
tool for uncertainty propagation and thus is used for computing rigorous
error bounds when evaluating the images of uncertain functions or when
solving differential equations with interval parameters or initial values.
On the other hand, when it is allied with constraint propagation techniques,
contractors or branch-and-bound algorithms, interval analysis becomes a
powerful tool for solving, in a guaranteed way, global optimization and
constraint satisfaction problems.

The aim of the invited session is to bring together researchers committed in
the development and use of interval theory for guaranteed parameter and
state estimation with uncertain systems and to introduce these developments
to the robust control community. Papers that present new interval methods
and tools for parameter and state estimation with illustrative applications
are very welcome. 


as soon as possible: inform the session organizers about your interest
August 26, 2005:     Full papers in the appropriate format received by 
                     the session organizers 
September 1, 2005:   Sessions organizers forward full paper to be 
                     published in the symposium proceedings 

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