Hudson Turner (UT Austin)
"Representing Actions in Default Logic:
A Situation Calculus Approach"
Norm McCain (UT Austin)
"Indefiniteness and Nondeterminism in
Action Description Languages"
Jussi Rintanen (Finland, visiting with UT Austin)
"A Tableau-Based Proof System for Concurrent Actions and Events"
Gopal Gupta (New Mexico State U.)
"Is there a theory of logic programming implementation?"
Enrico Pontelli
(New Mexico State U.)
"ACE: an and-or parallel implementation of Prolog"
Howard Blair (Syracuse U.)
"A Continuum of Discrete Systems"
Weidong Chen (Southern Methodist U.)
"Computation of
stable models and nonmonotonic reasoning"
Vladik Kreinovich (UTEP) and Hung Nguyen (New Mexico State U.)
"Using Gelfond's epistemic specifications to justify heiristic methods of
intelligent control and expert systems" (the topic of the talk
is also partially
contained in the following paper)
Dan Cooke (UTEP)
"The potential impact of
nonmonotonic logic on software engineering"
Mikhail Auguston
(New Mexico State U.)
"Program behavior models, assertion
languages and debugging automation"
Alfredo Gabaldon(UTEP)
"Formalizing narratives using nested circumsciption"
Banquet 8:00 - 9:00 PM
Choice: Fajita plate or vegetarian plate (enchiladas?)
Congratulations 9:00 - 9:30 PM