This is the mailing list of the IEEE Working Group on Interval Arithmetic,
Project P1788. The purpose and scope of this Working Group is described
in the Project Authorization Request.
LISTSERV(R) System Reference Library, release 1.8e
Copyright L-Soft international, 1986-2002
Last update: 19 Apr 2002
* *
* LISTSERV command reference cards: *
* *
*-> LISTSERV REFCARD: General user commands *
* LISTOWNR REFCARD: List and file management commands *
* LISTMAST REFCARD: Commands for the LISTSERV administrat*
* *
Commands are listed in alphabetical order, with the minimum acceptable
abbreviation in capital letters. Angle brackets are used to indicate optional
parameters. All commands which return a file accept an optional 'F=fformat'
keyword (without the quotes) that lets you select the format in which you want
the file sent; the default format is normally appropriate in all cases. Some
esoteric, historical or seldom-used commands and options have been omitted.
List subscription commands (from most to least important)
SUBscribe listname Subscribe to a list, or change
your name if already subscribed
ANONYMOUS -> Subscribe anonymously
Following either or ANONYMOUS, you may specify
individual subscription options (DIGEST, MIME, etc):
-> With specified options
SIGNOFF Remove yourself:
listname - From the specified list
* - From all lists on that server
* (NETWIDE - From all lists in the network
SET listname options Alter your subscription options:
ACK/NOACK/MSGack -> Acknowledgements for postings
CONCEAL/NOCONCEAL -> Hide yourself from REVIEW
DIGests/INDex/NODIGests/NOINDex -> Ask for digests or message
indexes rather than getting
messages as they are posted
HTML/NOHTML -> Prefer/avoid HTML mail
(especially HTML indexes)
Mail/NOMail -> Toggle receipt of mail
MIME/NOMIME -> Prefer/avoid MIME format
(especially MIME digests)
REPro/NOREPro -> Copy of your own postings?
TOPICS: ALL -> Select topics you are
<+/->topicname subscribed to (add/remove
one or replace entire list)
CHange Change your e-mail address:
listname newaddr -> On the specified list only
* newaddr -> On all lists hosted here
Options for mail headers of incoming postings (choose one):
FULLhdr or FULL822 -> "Full" (normal) mail headers
IETFhdr -> Internet-style headers
SHORThdr or SHORT822 -> Short headers
DUALhdr -> Dual headers, useful with PC
or Mac mail programs
SUBJecthdr -> Normal header with list name
in subject line
CONFIRM listname1 > Confirm your subscription
(when LISTSERV requests it)
Other list-related commands
GETPOST listname ref1 > Order individual messages from
list archives
There is a single option:
NOMIME Retrieve messages in "raw" form,
ie, do not re-encode MIME
attachment links (pre-1.8e
INDex listname Sends a directory of available
archive files for the list, if
postings are archived