At present, researchers in fuzzy data processing mainly used interval techniques originally designed for non-fuzzy applications, techniques which are often taken from textbooks and are, therefore, already outperformed by more recent and more efficient methods.
One of the main objectives of the proposed special session is to make the fuzzy community at-large better acquainted with the latest, most efficient interval techniques, especially with techniques specifically developed for solving fuzzy-related problems.
Another objective is to combine fuzzy and interval techniques, so that we will be able to use the combined techniques in (frequent) practical situations where both types of uncertainty are present: for example, when some quantities are known with interval uncertainty (e.g., coming from measurements), while other quantities are known with fuzzy uncertainty (coming from expert estimates). Keywords: interval computations, interval uncertainty, interval-valued fuzzy sets
Hung T.
Professor of Mathematical Sciences
New Mexico
State University
Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA
Chiang Mai University, Thailand