Reviews and
Abstracts of Recent Papers on Applications of Interval Computations
- M. J. Atallah et al., "An optimal algorithm for
shortest paths on weighted interval and
circular-arc graphs, with applications", 1995
- W. Barth, "Using Special
Arithmetic in Geometric Algorithms", 1996
- W. Barth et al.,
"Ray Tracing General Parametric Surfaces Using Interval Arithmetic", 1994
- M. A. Bender, "Parallelinterval order
recognition and construction of interval
representations", 1995
- Catastrophe theory and interval computations, 1995
- I.-C. Chang et al.,
"Model-based approach for fault diagnosis", 1995
- S. Chen et al., "A new method
for computing the upper and lower bounds on
frequencies of structures with interval parameters", 1995
- A. D. Dimarogonas,
"Interval analysis of vibrating systems", 1995
- P. C. Kainen et al., "Quasiorthogonal dimension of
euclidean spaces", 1993
- R. I. Kaiser et al., "On line and in situ
quantification of gas mixtures by
matrix interval algebra assisted quadrupole mass spectrometry", 1995
- B. Kelling et al.,
"Geometrische Untersuchungen zur eingeschrankten
Losungsmenge linearer Intervallgleichungssysteme", 1994
- H. Koch et al.,
"Computer-assisted proofs in analysis and programming in
logic", 1996
- H. U. Koyluoglu et al.,
"Interval algebra to deal with
pattern loading and structural
uncertainty", 1995
- V. I. Levin, "Interval discrete programming",
- Th. D. C. Little et al., "Interval-based conceptual
models for time-dependent multimedia data", 1993
- S. Majumdar,
"Application of Relational
Arithmetic in Performance Analysis of
Computing Systems", 1995
- S. Majumdar et al.,
"Interval-Based Performance Analysis of
Computing Systems", 1995
- S. Majumdar et al,,
"Robust Box Bounds: Network Performance Guarantees for Closed
Multiclass Queuing Networks with Minimal Stochastic Assumptions", 1992
- S. Majumdar et al.,
"Performance Bounds for Concurrent Software with Rendezvous",
Performance Evaluation", 1991
- S. Majumdar,
"Interval Arithmetic for Performance Analysis of Distributed
Computing Systems", 1991
- S. Markov et al.,,
"Linear Interpolation and Estimation using Interval Analysis", 1996
- S. Markov et al., "Curve Fitting and
Interpolation of Biological Data
Under Uncertainties", 1996
- M. Milanese et al., "Bounding Approaches to System
Identification", 1996
- F. Perez-Gonzalez et al.,
"Bounding the frequency response for digital transfer functions:
results and applications", 1994
- A. Pnueli et al., "Probabilistic verification",
- R. Ramadoss,
"Interval-based performance analysis of
computing systems", 1994
- P. Scramm,
"Intersection problems of parametric surfaces in
CAGD", 1994
- M. Shaked et al., "Stochastic orders and their
applications", 1994
- L. S. Shieh et al.,,
"Digital interval model conversion
and simulation of continuous-time uncertain systems", 1995
- R. Sridhar et al., "Highly
parallelizable problems on sorted intervals", 1995
- W. M. P.
van der Aalst et al., "Analysis of railway stations
by means of interval timed coloured
Petri nets", 1995
- M. A. Venkataramanan, "An interval branch and
bound algorithm for global optimization
of a multiperiod price model", 1995
- C. M. Woodside et al., "Complex performance
measurement with NICE (Notation for Interval
Combinations and Events)", 1994
- C. M. Woodside et al.,
"Interval Arithmetic for
Computing Performance Guarantees in Client-Server Systems", 1991
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