Thanks from the organizing committee p. 6-7 "Reliable Computing" (formerly, "Interval Computations"). An international journal p. 8 Institute for Manufacturing and Materials Management p. 9 A. Bernat, V. Kreinovich, T. McLean, and G. N. Solopchenko, "What are interval computations, and how are they related to quality in manufacturing?" pp. 10-12 (LaTeX, PostScript) V. Kreinovich, "Data processing beyond traditional statistics: applications of interval computations. A brief introduction" pp. 13-21 (LaTeX, PostScript) F. Akhmedjanov, V. Krymsky, "Robust design of control system for multi-input multi-output plant with interval uncertainty" p. 22-25 (LaTeX, PostScript) J. T. Alander, "On interval factorial genetic algorithm in global optimization" pp. 26-29 (LaTeX, PostScript) G. Alefeld, G. Mayer, "Recent results on symmetric interval systems" p. 30 (LaTeX, PostScript) B. R. Barmish, "Planar geometry problems motivated by robustness of linear systems" pp. 31-32 (LaTeX, PostScript) R. Bell, "Aerodynamic aids to vehicle stability" p. 33 (LaTeX, PostScript) M. Beltran and V. Kreinovich, "How to find input variables whose influence on the result is the largest, or, how to detect defective stages in VLSI manufacturing?" pp. 34-37 (LaTeX, PostScript) M. Beruvides and V. Kreinovich, "Interval approach to learning curves" p. 38 (LaTeX, PostScript) M. Berz, "Verified integration and generation of Poincare maps using Taylor models" p. 39 (LaTeX, PostScript) M. A. Campos and M. de B. Correia, "Interval and high accuracy results for parameter estimation in time series models" pp. 40-43 (LaTeX, PostScript) O. Caprani, L. Hvidegaard, M. Mortensen, and Th. Schneider, "Efficient and robust ray intersection" p. 44 (LaTeX, PostScript) O. Caprani, K. Madsen, and O. Stauning, "Enclosing solutions of integral equations" pp. 45-51 (LaTeX, PostScript) Da-Wei Chang, "On the interval multisplitting AOR (IMAOR) method" pp. 52-53 (LaTeX, PostScript) H. M. Chen and M. H. van Emden, "Adding interval constraints to the Moore-Skelboe global optimization algorithm" pp. 54-57 (LaTeX, PostScript) H. Cheng and D. Berleant, "A software tool for automatically verified reasoning with intervals and probability distributions" pp. 58-61 (LaTeX) Huang Chongfu, "Interval and fuzzy approaches to queuing systems" pp. 62-63 (LaTeX, PostScript) D. E. Cooke, R. Duran, and A. Gates, "Bag Language speeds up interval computations" pp. 64-66 (LaTeX, PostScript) G. J. Deboeck, K. Villaverde, and V. Kreinovich, "Interval methods for presenting performance of finanical trading systems" pp. 67-70 (LaTeX, PostScript) B. S. Dobronets, "A posteriori error estimation and corrected solution of partial differential equation" pp. 71-73 (LaTeX, PostScript) D. I. Doser, K. D. Crain, M. R. Baker, V. Kreinovich, M. C. Gerstenberger, and J. L. Williams, "Estimating uncertainties for geophysical tomography" pp. 74-75 (LaTeX, PostScript) I. Elishakoff, "Convex modelling - a generalization of interval analysis for nonprobabilistic treatment of uncertainty" pp. 76-79 (LaTeX, PostScript) N. M. Glazunov, "Development of quality interval algorithms, software and systems" p. 80-82 (LaTeX, PostScript) S. Hadjihassan, E. Walter, and L. Pronzato, "Quality improvement via the optimization of tolerance intervals during the design stage" pp. 83-84 (LaTeX, PostScript) E. Hyvonen, S. De Pascale, "InC++ library family for interval computations" pp. 85-90 (ASCII, PostScript) E. Hyvonen, S. De Pascale, "Interval constraint Excel" pp. 91-101 (ASCII, PostScript) M. E. Jerrell, "Applications of interval computations to economic input-output models" pp. 102-104 (LaTeX, PostScript) R. B. Kearfott, "A review of techniques in the verified solution of constrained global optimization problems" p. 105-106 (LaTeX, PostScript) L. J. Kohout, "Fuzzy interval-valued inference system with para-consistent and grey set extensions" pp. 107-110 (LaTeX, PostScript) A. B. Korlyukov and V. Kreinovich, "Equations of physics become consistent if we take measurement uncertainty into consideration" pp. 111-112 (LaTeX, PostScript) W. Kraemer, "Validated function evaluation using polynomial approximation from truncated Chebyshev series" p. 113 (LaTeX, PostScript) L. Kupriyanova, "Inner estimation of the united solution set of interval linear algebraic system" p. 114 (LaTeX, PostScript) V. P. Kuznetsov, "Interval methods for processing statistical characteristics" pp. 116-122 (LaTeX, PostScript) V. P. Kuznetsov, "Auxiliary problems of statistical data processing: interval approach" pp. 123-129 (LaTeX, PostScript) A. V. Lakeyev, "Linear algebraic equation in Kaucher arithmetic" p. 130-133 (LaTeX, PostScript) A. V. Lakeyev and V. Kreinovich, "If input intervals are small enough, then interval computations are almost always easy" pp. 134-139 (LaTeX, PostScript) R. N. Lea and V. Kreinovich, "Intelligent control makes sense even without expert knowledge: an explanation" pp. 140-145 (LaTeX, PostScript) R. D. Lins, M. A. Campos, M. de B. Correia, "Functional programming and interval arithmetic" p. 146-150 (LaTeX, PostScript) R. Lopez De Mantaras, "From intervals to possibility distributions: adding flexibility to reasoning under uncertainty" pp. 151-152 (LaTeX, PostScript) G. G. Menshikov, "On application of interval approach to finding of the latent singular points of initial value problems" pp. 153-154 (LaTeX, PostScript) D. Morgenstein and J. Murphy, "An application of parallel interval techniques to geophysics" p. 155 (LaTeX, PostScript) A. Murgu, "Implementable bounds for a neural networks algorithm in communication traffic control" pp. 156-157 (LaTeX, PostScript) Hung T. Nguyen and E. Walker, "Interval fuzzy data processing: case when degree of belief is described by an interval" p. 158 (LaTeX, PostScript) A. I. Orlov, "Invariance leads to the interval character of ordinal statistical characteristics", pp. 159-161 (LaTeX, PostScript) R. B. Patil, "Application of simulated annealing and genetic algorithms to verified global optimization" p. 162 (LaTeX, PostScript) R. B. Patil, "Interval genetic programming" p. 163 (LaTeX, PostScript) R. B. Patil, "Interval neural networks" p. 164 (LaTeX, PostScript) J. Rohn, "Linear interval equations: computing sufficiently accurate enclosures is NP-Hard" p. 165 (LaTeX, PostScript) M. J. Schulte and E. E. Swartzlander, Jr., "Design and applications for variable-precision, interval arithmetic coprocessors" pp. 166-172 (LaTeX) A. L. Semenov, "Solving optimization problems with the help of the UniCalc solver" pp. 173-175 (LaTeX, PostScript) E. Serrano, V. P. Pytchenko, V. M. Rubinshtein, and V. Kreinovich, "Error estimate of the result of measuring laser beam diameter" pp. 176-180 (LaTeX, PostScript) S. P. Shary, "Linear static systems under interval uncertainty: algorithms to solve control and stabilization problems" pp. 181-184 (LaTeX, PostScript) G. L. Shevlyakov, "On the choice of an optimization criterion under uncertainty in interval computations - nonstochastic approach" pp. 185-187 (LaTeX, PostScript) G. L. Shevlyakov, N. O. Vilchevskiy, "Robust minimax adaptive approach to regression problems in interval computations" pp. 188-189 (LaTeX, PostScript) S. Smith and V. Kreinovich, "In case of interval uncertainty, optimal control is NP-hard even for linear plants, so expert knowledge is needed" pp. 190-193 (LaTeX, PostScript) W. Solak, "A remark on power series estimations via boundary corrections with parameter" pp. 194-196 (LaTeX, PostScript) W. Sommerer and M. Kerbl, "Rendering swept volumes using interval methods" pp. 197-202 (LaTeX) S. Starks, "An interval approach to congestion control in computer networks" pp. 203-206 (LaTeX, PostScript) R. Trejo and A. I. Gerasimov, "Choosing interval functions to represent measurement inaccuracies: group-theoretic approach" p. 207-210 (LaTeX, PostScript) I. B. Turksen, "Interval valued fuzzy sets and measures" p. 211 (LaTeX, PostScript) K. Villaverde and V. Kreinovich, "Parallel algorithm that locates local extrema of a function of one variable from interval measurement results" pp. 212-219 (LaTeX, PostScript) G. W. Walster, "Connections between statistics, interval analysis and global optimization" p. 220 (LaTeX, PostScript) G. W. Walster, "Stimulating hardware and software support for interval arithmetic" p. 221 (LaTeX, PostScript) M. C. Wang, K. Lin, and W. Kennedy, "Self-validating computation for selected probability functions" pp. 222-223 (LaTeX, PostScript) Kung Chris Wu, "Interval methods in mobile robot control" pp. 224-226 (LaTeX, PostScript) G. D. Zrilic, "Computations based on Delta-modulation representation of measurement results" pp. 227-231 (LaTeX, PostScript) Qiang Zuo, "Description of strictly monotonic interval AND/OR operations" p. 232-235 (LaTeX, PostScript) Qiang Zuo, I. Burhan Turksen, Hung T. Nguyen, and Vladik Kreinovich, "In expert systems, even if we fix AND/OR operations, a natural answer to a composite query is the interval of possible degrees of belief" pp. 236-240 (LaTeX, PostScript) V. S. Zyuzin, O. V. Mushtakova, "A posteriori estimation of the solution of system of ordinary differential equations with the help of Taylor series" pp. 241-242. (LaTeX, PostScript) V. S. Zyuzin, E. A. Novikova, "A method for estimating the solution of ordinary differential equation system by interval Taylor series" pp. 243-244. (LaTeX, PostScript)
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