Previous Conferences: 1996
Previous Conferences: 1996
Previous Conferences on Interval Computations
- Workshop on
Risk Assessment Using Interval Analysis and Fuzzy Arithmetic,
New Orleans, Louisiana,
December 8, 1996.
September-October 1996.
WAI'96 - II Workshop on
Computer Arithmetic, Interval and Symbolic Computation,
August 1996.
2nd Computational Mathematics Meeting - Scientific
Computing with Automatic Result Verification
(July 29 through August 02, 1996).
Interval Techniques in Computing, Modelling, Simulation and
a Workshop dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Interval Analysis,
Part of IASTED International Conference on
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization
(Gold Coast, Australia),
May 5, 1996.
- International Conference on Uncertain Structures:
Analytical, Numerical and Experimental Methods
(March 1996).
Previous Conferences of Interest to Interval Computations
- 13 Days On Weak Arithmetic (13JAF),
Metz, France,
December 12-13, 1996.
- Interval-Related Talks at the
Second SC-COSMIC Student
El Paso, TX,
October 25-27, 1996.
The Needs of Industry in Polynomial System Solving (FRISCO 96),
Barcelona, Spain,
October 23-25, 1996.
- Second Real
Numbers and Computers Conference
(Marseille, France),
April 9-11, 1996.
Second International Workshop on Computational Differentiation
(February 1996).
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