Interval-Related Talks Presented In Sozopol June 2003
Talks Presented at the Special Session
"Set-Valued Numerics and Reliable Computing"
within the 4-th International Conference on
"Large-Scale Scientific Computations"
held on June 4-8, 2003, in Sozopol, Bulgaria
Christian Almeder
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Solution Methods for Age-Structured Optimal Control
Models with Feedback
Ion Chryssoverghi
(National Technical University
of Athens, Greece)
Approximation of Nonconvex Distributed Optimal
Control Problems Using Relaxed Controls
Annie Cuyt, Brigitte Verdonk, Haakon Waadeland,
and Johan Vervloet
(Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science, University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Efficient and Reliable Multiprecision Implementation
of Some Special Functions
Carlos de la Mora, Piotr Wojciechowski, Olga Kosheleva,
Vladik Kreinovich, and Scott A. Starks
(University of
Texas at El Paso, USA)
Robust Methodology for Characterizing System Response
to Damage: Approach Based on Partial Order
talk in PostScript and
paper in Compressed
PostScript and
Neli S. Dimitrova, Mikhail I. Krastanov
(IMI, Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences, Sofia)
Stabilizing Feedback of a Nonlinear Biological
Wastewater Treatment Plants Model
Juan Hernandez, Eucario Gasca-Leyva
(University of Las Palmas, Spain)
An Application of Age-Structured Models to Fish Growth
in Captivity
N. Kirov, M. Krastanov
(IMI, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria)
Higher Order Approximations of Affinely Controlled
Nonlinear Systems
Vladik Kreinovich, Luc Longpre
(University of Texas at El Paso, USA)
Scott Ferson and Lev Ginzburg
(Applied Biomathematics,
Outlier Detection Under Interval Uncertainty:
Algorithmic Solvability and Computational Complexity
talk in PostScript and
paper in Compressed
PostScript and
detailed version in
Compressed PostScript and
Svetoslav Markov
(IMI, Bulgarian, Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria)
Dalcidio Claudio
(PUCRS, Faculdade de Informatica,
Av. Ipiranda, Porto Alegre, Brasil)
On the Approximation of Centered Zonotopes in the
paper in PostScript and
Shinya Miyajima and Masahide Kashiwagi
University, Shinjuku-ku, Japan)
On Range Evaluation of Polynomials by Applying Interval
E. Popova, M. Datcheva, R. Iankov, T. Schanz
(Institute of
Mathematics and Informatics,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Institute of
Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, and
Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar, Germany)
Sharp Bounds for Strains and Stresses in Uncertain
Mechanical Models
Nedka Pulova and Vladimir Pulov
(Department of
Mathematics, Technical University Varna, Varna,
An Approximation to Reachable Sets of Strongly
Convex Differential
Vladimir Veliov
(Vienna University of Technology,
Austria and IMI, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia,
Numerical Optimization of Bundles of Control Systems:
Error Analysis
paper in PostScript and
Brigitte Verdonk, Johan Vervloet, Annie Cuyt
(Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Blending Interval and Set Arithmetic for Maximal
talk in
paper in Compressed PostScript and in
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