Talks Presented at Dagstuhl'03 Conference
Talks Presented at Dagstuhl Seminar on
Numerical Software with Result Verification
(Dagstuhl, Germany, January 19-24, 2003)
Proceedings appeared as Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 2991. This volume is available online.
You can find information about it
or access the online version at
- Rene Alt
(Universite Paris VI)
joint work with Baya Oussena
Enhancement of breast cancer images
talk in PostScript and
in pdf
- Katja Buehler
(VRVis - Research Center for Virtual Reality and Visualization,
Vienna, Austria)
Linear Interval Estimations - a New Kind of
Bounding Volumes for Implicit and Parametric Objects
talk in colored pdf (best for viewing) and in
black and white pdf (best for printing on a
black-and-white printer)
- George Corliss
(Marquette University, USA)
Testing COSY interval and
Taylor Model Arithmetic
talk in PostScript and in
- Andras Csallner
(University of Szeged, Hungary)
joint work with T. Csendes and Kocsis
On Solving a Special Civil
Engineering Problem
click here to get zipped JPG files containing
the talk
- Tibor Csendes
(University of Szeged, Hungary)
A New Interval Selection Technique for Global
talk in PostScript and in
- Andreas Frommer
(University of Wuppertal, Germany)
joint work with Goetz Alefeld, Gerhard Heindl, and Jan Mayer
A Hierarchy of Existence Theorems for Nonlinear
talk in pdf
- Juergen Garloff
(University of Konstanz, Germany)
joint work with Andrew P. Smith and Christian Jansson
Affine Lower Bound Functions for Polynomials and Their Use in
Global Optimisation (Part 1)
talk in PostScript
- Laurent Granvilliers
(University of Nantes, France)
Consistency Techniques over Real
talk in pdf
- Markus Grimmer
(University of Wuppertal, Germany)
Interval Computations in Maple Using intpakX
v. 1.0
talk in pdf; for a version that opens in full
screen, click here
- Werner Hofschuster and Walter Kraemer
(Univerity of Wuppertal, Germany)
C-XSC 2.0 - A C++ Library for Extended
Scientific Computing
talk in gzipped
- Fabienne Jezequel
(Universite Paris VI, France)
joint work with M. Charrikhi, J.-M. Chesneauz, F. Rico, and
L. Villain
Control of a Multiple Integral using Discrete Stochastic
talk in PostScript
- R. Baker Kearfott
(University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA)
GlobSol Overview
talk in pdf
- Michel Kieffer
(Supelec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
joint work with I. Braems, L. Jaulin, and E. Walter
Examples of Application of Interval Analysis to
Process Simulation and Control
talk in pdf
Vladik Kreinovich
(University of Texas at El Paso, USA)
Probabilities, Intervals,
What Next?
Extension of Interval Computations
to Situations With Partial Information
about Probabilities
talk in PostScript
and in pdf
- Bruno Lang
(University of Wuppertal, Germany)
joint work with Thomas Beelitz, Christian Bischof,
Wolfgang Marquardt, Martin Moennigmann, and Klaus Schulte Althoff
Verified Determination of Singularities in
Chemical Processes
talk in PostScript
- Wolfram Luther
(University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Accurate Distance Algorithms for
talk in pdf
- Mihaly Markot
(University of Szeged, Hingary)
Interval Methods for Solving "Packing of Equal
Circles into the Unit Square" Problems
talk in PostScript
Additional information related to the talk
(papers, program source, etc.) is available at the
- Guenter Mayer
(Universitaet Rostock, Germany)
joint work with Goetz Alefeld
Enclosing Solutions of Singular
talk in PostScript
- Norbert Mueller
(University of Trier, Germany)
Exact Real Arithmetic:
a (small) comparison
talk in pdf
- Markus Neher
(University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
joint work with Ingo Eble
ACETAF: A Software Package for Computing
Validated Bounds for Taylor Coefficients of
Analytic Functions
talk in pdf;
this and other relevant presentations can be found on the
following website
- Shin'ichi Oishi
(Waseda University, Japan)
Interpreter with Result Verification
talk in pdf
- Knut Petras
(Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany)
Asian Option Pricing with "GMP-(X)SC"
talk in PostScript
- Sylvie Putot
(CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
joint work with Eric Goubault and Matthieu Martel
Static Analysis-Based Validation of
Floating-Point Computations
talk in pdf
- Uwe Schaefer
(University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
Optimal Inclusion of the
Solution Set
talk in
LaTeX and in
- Andrew P. Smith
(University of Konstamz, Germany)
joint work with Juergen Garloff and Christian Jansson
Affine Lower Bound Functions for Polynomials and Their Use in
Global Optimisation (Part 2)
talk in PostScript
- Wolfgang Walter
(Technical University of Dresden)
Recent Developments in Fortran
talk in
PostScript and in
- Jurgen Wolff von
(Universitaet Wuerzburg, Germany)
OOP and
Interval Arithmetic - Language Support and
talk can be found on the
author's homepage
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